Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Awakens the soul to act.

Dah 6 minggu duduk matriks ni. Dah 3 kesan charlie dah ada dekat badan aku ni. Charlie pun tak tau? Nampak sangat tak follow blog ni hihi :p

Penat kot dekat sini. Seksa habis untuk keep up dengan schedule yang packed apa bagai.
Demam - demam buat kerja. *sigh

Lagi satu keseksaan, kitorang punya blok ni, tak dapat pulak wifi KMPP ni. Haa memang elok pun. Rasa macam nak peluk peluk je pengarah sebab pasang wifi yang amat berguna kepada pelajar pelajar KMPP ni!

Tadi ada Dinamika, kena makan elok elok bagai, penat makan -__-"

Macam nak muntah darah makan ni -.-"

OH OH and and andd, tadi en, I found this one website tau! Very nice! They sell bags and tops and whatnot!
Sume murah! :D
Nanti nak pegi serang site tu lepas dapat elaun. MUAHAHA. Okbai.

And and and, I'm falling in love with Chris Brown again after I heard and saw his new song Next 2 You ft. Justin Bieber.
Oh god. You guys have to listen to it man!

awh mannn :p
HAHA :P Okay okay. Got to go now! I have asssssssss - i - ment -_______-"
Bye lovely people! Take care :)
I'll update when I have time :)

Aisya J.


  1. nampak macam sedap je tapi tak sedap?

  2. haii..i'm ur senior..kt KMPP tu mmg bnyk nk mampos charlie,,nxt time kalo jumpe charlie dlm bilik just salotaPE die..haha,
    p/s: kna wat cpt2 sbb charlie seekor bintg yg agresiF..

    DON'T KILL THEM but let them becoming mummia..hahaa

  3. KMPP famous betul ek ngan Charlie? jaga2..tc dear :)

  4. memg best nextto u!!!!!undeniable!!!
