Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Before The Worst.

Stop. Look around you. Now just thank God for giving all that to you
Everything is from Him. So just stop whining. Just for this while. Just this time. Cherish every silence.
Remind yourself, there's someone is way more less fortunate than you but never did gave up on his life. Never did curse Him for making his life a living hell. He just move on and hope he could found a better life ahead.

If you are reading this, I know you can't be one of those less fortunate people. I whine too myself. I'm lying if I said I don't. There was moments that I hope I can just run away from everything. 
But believe me, most of the time, I was hoping I can just stop my life that moment so I could capture everything. In every angle. I just love how my life is now. So I thank God for that. He knows the best for me.

I've promised myself I'm gonna just over looked everything that will bring me down. Seriously, I have no point to be regretting about how I used to live my life. What has past, let it be gone.

I have God, families, friends that love me so much. Better, love me they way I am. And I love them in every way.

Mum, Dad, Thank you

Lots of love,
Aisya J.

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