Monday, May 2, 2011

1st May's Tragic.

Imma go straight to the point that I don't believe all the bullshit they said about Osama Bin Laden is dead. I need pictures. I need prove. All the people need prove. Show something that would support all the thing you said.

And they did put up a picture. But thats fucking fake.

No one would believe that. This guy has been out there for almost 10 years! He can't be dead now. I mean like what happened? What really happened right?

And it is sad to see some of the people is happy about this and celebrating it.
I don't give a fuck about you kafir people. But when you're Islam and you are happy because of someone's death, you are fucking stupid okay.

As mentioned in the Al-Quran and Hadith :
Seriously, celebrating someone's death, no matter how bad, evil, wrong, and corrupt they have been, it is against humanity.

Dah la artis, gaduh gaduh dekat Twitter macam dah tak ada otak. Buat malu je. Tau tak ramai orang follow kau? Then nak tunjuk sangat stupidity tu apasal? "Amazing news" kau kata? Fuhh. Pastu bila orang sentuh pasal kau baru masuk Islam kau nak touching. Kau dengan laki kau sama je lah. Kesian aku tengok.

Lagipun kita tak tahu if Osama ni betul betul bunuh orang. Kita tak tahu kalau betul apa sume tentera kafir tu sebarkan. Cakap dia bunuh ramai orang, habis diorang tak bunuh orang la? Nak diikutkan sama je lah kalau gitu.

Anyway, if he's really dead then let him rest in peace. Only god knows. Al - Fatihah.

Dah la. Malas nak cakap. Aku tak ada mood harini. Sume benda tak kena.

Aisya J.


  1. btoy3....kalau org kafir 2 tipu...macam la kita tau kan?susah na percaya mende2 macam ni skrg ni...ape pon org boleh buat zaman skunk ni~

  2. @Adib, KANNN :/ Tunjuk je la. Apa salah nya. Kalau tunjuk betul betul then it's okay la kan.

  3. hey, you've got a point there. media is corrupted y'know. we never really know the truth really nowadays.

  4. ..agree!!!..^_^..but sape artis tuh?

  5. tu ar pasal..
    ni semua propa kn..
    marah tol aku huh emo sikit

  6. @Amie, haha tu laa :/

    @Eeda, don't think so.

    @Sue, hahaha ada lah :)

    @Farid, kann faridd kann.

  7. kan bulsit je dorng ni..nak kencing satudunia la tu..

  8. @Ash, kann haihh -_-" kesian kat dorang ni.

  9. btw, thanks singgah my blog ! *honoured* :)

  10. ntah...
    mcm x de bukti je...
    jenazah pon cepat je dorg buang ke laut...
    knp x nak tunujuk kat umum kan...

    klo btul la itu allahyarham...
    sedekahkan Al-Fatihah...

  11. @Shamsuddin, kann. Apa la salahnya :/
